


A gravelled area with a row of trees some 10 meters away, and a stone bench in the foreground on which water bottles and other cooking gear rest, with a pannier bag and makings of a tent lying on the ground in front.


The ground sheet of a one-man tent spread under a tree, with a pannier bag next to it. The shadow of the person taking the picture (me) is visible on the ground.


A wooden bench wet from rain stands in forestland, at the edge of a flat area covered in small shards of terracotta. Four pannier bags are lying on or against the bench, with some of the contents removed, including a cup, a small square cooking pot, and a water bottle. In for foreground on the flat area a small gasoline stove stands on a tiny plastic stool, heading a Bialetti coffee maker.


A wooden sign reading (in English translation) “Crowdfunding contributors inviting recognition,” followed by a list of over forty screen and personal names, and finally “Thank you for your support!”


Roped-off turnout from a paved road, with a sign reading (in English translation) “Oyama Foods / Barbecue Spot”. There is a neat stack of split firewood to the left of the turn-in, with lush green foliage behind.

Gero trip #1 (Gifu Prefecture)

16-18 July 2024: A casually planned three-day ride to a popular hot spring resort. Surprises included: an unridable hiking trail; a flat tire repair challenge in a rainstorm on a mountain road after dark; a midnight map reading failure; and the kindness of strangers.



A loaded cargo bike parked on a field of close-dropped dried grass, with an A-frame house on a wooded hill in the background.


A small jar of sweet-and-sour carrot and radish salad, a small jar sweet black beans, a coffee cup and small plate of soy sauce on a plastic cutting board, resting on the ground. Beyond the cutting board a pot of water is boiling on a small gasoline camp stove.


A white, lifesize statue of a cow, but with the hindquarters in the shape of a box of milk with milk pouring from its spout.