


A sign above the microwave-like unit reads: “We have introduced a Book Sterilization Machine! Please feel free to use it!” A yellow label affixed to the unit itself reads: “Do not put CDs or DVDs inside. They may be damaged.” A further sign below reads: “After three cycles, please yield your place to the next person. Thank you for your cooperation.” Below this, there is a set of instructions on operation of the unit.


A two-story concrete building, with a four-story tiled box set over its corner for decorative effect, with a window in the side facing the street resembling a funnel or conical cut-out

Nisshin Library

[23 January 2024] As retired staff, I have access to the Nagoya University library, but the campus is an hour away by bike or train, so I recently signed up for a card at the Nisshin City Library. It’s for than 15 minutes’ ride away (oh no!), but as it’s located a few hundred meters from the local recycle center, it’s “marginally close by” as they say in the accounting biz.