
Kokokei Trip #1 (Gifu Prefecture)

15 October 2024: The town of Kani is the constant waypoint for rides to Gero Onsen from Nagoya. After the western route past Kasugai Country Club proved to include something close to a mountain hiking trail, and the eastern route via Seto and Tajimi proved to parallel speedy traffic over a nerve-rattling distance, this jaunt explores a middle route that merges with the Toki River. A fun ride, but without happy news on that front.

Hichiso Trip #1 (Gifu Prefecture)

20-21 September 2024: Wherein I explore an alternative north-bound route to that used in the July excursion to Gero, and face a trade-off between convenience and solitude.



Map of a route from the north edge of Kasugai through Kani to Kawabe


Map of a route from Gero Kanko Hotel in Gero to home in Nisshin


Detail of route from Gero Kanko Hotel in Gero to home in Nisshin, showing a failed attempt to find an expressway crossing.


Map of a route north from Nisshin through Nagakute, Owariasahi, to the north edge of Kasugai

Gero trip #1 (Gifu Prefecture)

16-18 July 2024: A casually planned three-day ride to a popular hot spring resort. Surprises included: an unridable hiking trail; a flat tire repair challenge in a rainstorm on a mountain road after dark; a midnight map reading failure; and the kindness of strangers.