Bran Muffins

A simple recipe Mieko used early in our marriage, as rescued from a note wedged in one of her cookbooks. The bran readily available in Japan is rice bran, which is bland and dry in baked goods, so this version is jazzed up a little with with sultanas and brandy.

Carrot Cake

One of the cooking adventures from my side that met with Mieko’s approval … apart from the number of pots it leaves in its wake.

Hichiso Trip #1 (Gifu Prefecture)

20-21 September 2024: Wherein I explore an alternative north-bound route to that used in the July excursion to Gero, and face a trade-off between convenience and solitude.


A small tourist village near a gorge famous for its display of autumn leaves.

Gero trip #1 (Gifu Prefecture)

16-18 July 2024: A casually planned three-day ride to a popular hot spring resort. Surprises included: an unridable hiking trail; a flat tire repair challenge in a rainstorm on a mountain road after dark; a midnight map reading failure; and the kindness of strangers.

Sakura day ride 2024

We had one day of cherry blossoms in Nagoya this year, and I took snaps of some of ’em.